
Reviving literary traditions
2021.09.18. Vajszló, once János Kodolányi’s dwelling place and home to his works, is now the venue of the Writers’ Residence Program

The new residence
2021.09.18. The city of Debrecen joined the Hungarian Writers’ Residence Program in 2021

A lonely month in the dormitory
2021.09.18. József Attila Prize-recipient István Vörös in Szekszárd
Joys during lockdown
2021.09.18. Poet Sevan Bradić from our sister city in Serbia
Back to School: Lea Sauer meets students in Pécs
2020.10.21. German writer, Lea Sauer has been the second guest of the Pécs Residence of the Petőfi Literary Fund’s residency program in September and October 2020.
A Bang-Up Media Day with Palmi Ranchev
2020.08.05.Bulgarian poet and boxer Palmi Ranchev will be the first guest of the Petőfi Literary Fund's Writers’ Residence Program in Pécs.